
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Time to Dig in Your Heels

Everyone reaches a "tipping point" - a time in their life where they've gained so much weight that they say, "This can't go on. I must lose weight."

But then they look at themselves in the mirror and see how overweight they are, and think, "I'm 200 pounds over weight. I'll never lose all that. Why bother?"

Because every pound of weight lost helps.

Because just as pounds of weight add up, so they can add downward. Lose one pound a week, and at the end of a year you'll have lost 52 pounds. At the end of two years, 100 pounds total.

At the end of three years, 150 pounds, and at the end of four years, the whole 200 pounds.

Four years to lose weight! Sound awful? Not at all.

Because, by losing weight very gradually, a pound a week at most, your body has time to acclimatize itself to the weight loss, and you will never gain that weight back. That four year journey is more about just losing weight, it's about changing a life style for the better - which takes about four years - and becoming acclimatized to it.

The journey is a part of life.

The journey starts now.

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