
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

It Feels Good to Be Organized

After 24 hours of brooding, my dad finally agreed a couple of days ago that it was time to tell the handyman that we'd finish the job ourselves.

And guess what...the job is done!

The texture and paint don't exactly match, but they're good enough. No one looks up into the ceiling corners of rooms unless there's something up there to catch their eye - as for example a great big hole.

So I've spent all of today putting things back the way they were 30 weeks ago - and finding lots of stuff that had been buried under other stuff that I'd been looking for...

(My "living room" is actually a library  filled with book cases, and I've got papers everywhere.)

Anyway, to bring this entry to a point that makes sense for those trying to lose weight or maintain their new weight - having a stable, stress-free environment works wonders. You don't realize how much stress (or anxiety) you've been under until that stress or anciety is removed. Then it feels like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. You feel on top of the world - because you are in control of your life again.

So when you're just starting out to lose weight, examine your environment, identify and stress areas, and deal with them. And hopefully it won't take you 30 weeks to deal with the problem!

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